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Tanzania Institute of Education TIE Online Library service | TET Maktaba Mtandao 

The Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) is a Parastatal Organization under the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MOEVT) charged with the responsibility of ensuring the quality of education in Tanzania at the pre-school, primary, secondary and teacher training levels.

The Tanzania Institute of Education Launched Free Online Library Services to Help Tanzanians and None Tanzanians to find Learning materials  Easily in Distance way Especially for those who had no Access to physical Library service.

Kalenda ya utekelezaji Awali na shule Msingi OPEN

What are the Tie books Available 

In this page you are going to find Tie library books. These Tie library books at https //ol.tie.go.tz login or Http ol tie go tz are only available for online use. Tie books pdf download is not available. 

This page acts as alternative to Tie library. All Tie library books are available here, but you won't be able to download Tie books pdf. 

To find this page you may go to your browser then on google, search Tie library, Tie books, Tie library books, Tie books pdf download, Tie vitabu online, www.tie.go.tz vitabu or https //ol.tie.go.tz login or Http ol tie go tz

Also you can download Tie library APK in your android phone . Tie library apk is available for free.

Form Four Books

Physics form fourOPEN
Chemistry form four OPEN
Biology form fourOPEN
Mathematics form fourOPEN
Geography form fourOPEN
History form fourOPEN
Civics form fourOPEN
English form four

form four

Kiswahili form fourOPEN
Teachers HandBook (Form 3-4) English OPEN

Agriculture form fourOPEN
Information and Computer Studies 

Manufacturing engineering

Civil engineering survey

Engineering science

Biology Form 4 Outline
    Concept of Growth
    • Explain the concept of growth
    • Investigate internal and external factors affecting growth in plants and animals
    Mitosis and Growth
    • Explain the concept of mitosis
    Illustrate stages of mitosis
    • Explain the significance of mitosis in the growth
    Growth and Developmental Stages in Human
    • Explain growth and development in human being
    • Explain the stages of human post–natal growth and development
    • Explain physiological, psychological and behaviour changes associated with growth and development
    Outline factors which affect the rate of physical deterioration of human body and services required to meet the needs of an individual at each stage
    Growth in Flowering Plants
    • Explain the concept of seed germination
    • Outline changes which occur during seed germination
    • Investigate conditions necessary for seed germination
    • Carry out practical activities to demonstrate epigeal and hypogeal germination
    Concept of Genetics
    • Explain the concept of the genetics
    • State common terms used in genetics
    Genetics Materials
    • Explain the concept of genetics Materials
    • Describe the structure and composition of genetics materials (Deoxyribonucleic Acid and Ribonucleic Acid )
    • Differentiate Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) from Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)
    Principle of Inheritance, Concept of Inheritance
    • Explain the concept of inheritance
    • Mendelian Inheritance
    • State Mendel’s first law of inheritance
    • Illustrate monohybrid crosses and interpret their results of crosses and ratios
    • Interpret data from monohybrid experiments to demonstrate mendel’s first law of inheritance
    • Illustrate patterns of inheritance that follow mendel’s first law
    Non-Mendelism Inheritance
    • Explain concepts of incomplete dominance and Co-dominance
    • Illustrate patterns of inheritance that deviates from mendel’s first law of inheritance
    Sex Determination and Inheritance
    Describe the mechanism of sex determination and inheritance
    • Explain the concept of sex linked, sex Limited and sex influenced characters
    • Explain consequences of sex preference and sex selection
    Variation Among Organisms
    • Explain the concept of variation
    Identify variations among organisms
    • Give the meaning of continuous and discontinuous variations
    Differentiate continuous from discontinuous variation
    • Explain causes of variation among organisms
    Genetic Disorders
    • Give the meaning of genetic disorders
    • Cite examples of genetic disorders
    • Explain the causes and effects of genetic disorders
    Application of Genetics
    Outline application of genetics in everyday life
    • Explain the importance of genetics in biological science and related fields
    Classification Of Living Things
    Kingdom Animalia
    • Explain general and distinctive features of the kingdom animalia
    • Mention the major phyta of the kingdom animalia
    Phylum Platyhelminthes
    • Explain the general and distinctive features of the phylum platyhelminthes
    • Describe the structure of organisms under the phylum latyhelminthes
    Phylum Aschelminthes (Nematoda)
    • Explain general and distinctive features of the phylum aschelminthes
    • Describe the structure of organisms under the phylum aschelminthes
    • Outline the advantages and disadvantages of roundworms
    Phylum Annelida
    • Explain general and distrinctive features of the phylum annelida
    • Describe structure of organism under the phylum annelida (Earthworm)
    • Explain advantages and disadvantages of lumbricus (Earthworm)
    Phylum Arthropoda
    • Explain general and distinctive features of the phylum arthropoda
    • Mention classes of the phylum arthropoda
    • Cite examples of organisms under each class of the phylum artropoda
    • Explain distinctive features of each class of the phylum arthropoda
    Describe structures of representative organisms under each class
    • Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the organisms under each class of phylum arthropoda
    Phylum Chordata
    • Explain general and distinctive characteristics features of the phylum chordata
    • Mention classes of the phylum chordate
    • Explain distinctive features of each class of the phylum chordata
    • Describe structure of representative organisms in each class of phylum chordata
    • Outline the advantages and disadvantages of organisms under each class of phylum chordata
    Concept of Organic Evolution
    • Explain the concept of organic evolution
    Theories of the Origin of Life
    • Outline the basic ideas about the origin of life
    • State the theories of the origin of life
    Theories of Organic Evolution , Lamarckism
    State lamarck’s theory of evolution
    • Explain lamarck’s observations and deductions
    • Outline merits and demerits of lamarck’s theory of evolution
    State Darwin’s theory of evolution
    • Investigate evidences and application of organic evolution in the real life situation
    • Human Immunodeficiency (HIV) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) And Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
    Relationship Between HIV, AIDS and STIs
    Distinguish between HIV, AIDS and STIs
    • Explain the relationship between HIV and STIs
    • Management and Control of HIV/AIDS and STIs
    Outline ways of managing and controlling HIV, AIDS and STIs
    • Mention the life skills needed for home based care for PLWHA
    • Mention precautions to be taken when handling people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) and STIs
    Counseling and Voluntary Testing (CVT)
    • Explain the concept of counselling and voluntary testing
    Outline the significance of CVT in the control and prevention of HIV/AIDS and STIs
    • Explain the procedures and techniques of CVT for HIV/AIDS


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